Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in Jupiter, Florida

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Their Mission

One of the top sites of places to visit in Jupiter, Florida, The Busch Wildlife Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and conservation of Florida’s wildlife and natural resources. They are a rescue mission, and do accept sick or injured wild animals from the public, as well. They provide environmental education opportunities and are open to the public for just a donation, in normal circumstances. COVID-19 has required the temporary closure of this facility, but at this point, they are scheduled to reopen the week of May 11th, 2020.

What They Do

Busch Wildlife Sanctuary provides medical and rehabilitative care to almost 5,000 animals injured in the wild, each year. About 90% of these injuries are caused by man, such as collisions with automobiles, fishing line entanglement, electrocutions, illegal gunshots, poisonings and attacks by domestic dogs or cats. Among the animals which were former patients but for one reason or another cannot be released back into the wild are bald eagles, Florida panthers, deer, otters, foxes, alligators, bears, and many more. It is truly a fantastic place to visit and take your kids, for a wild Florida experience! 
