Do This Immediately OR Your Roof Gets MORE Damage!

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The roof of any house serves more than an aesthetic purpose. It is the first line of defense against any external element.

So when your roof suffers any damage, you should be concerned. Damage to the roof can be because of bad weather, foreign debris falling on top, or maybe it has seen better days.

Either way in the event of any suspected damage you should act accordingly. Here are some of the things that you should do once your roof gets any form of damage.

Estimate the level of damage

The very first thing you should do is to assess the extent of the damage once you suspect damage to your roof regardless of the source.

This will help you in your next step which is the discussion with your insurance company. Look at the damaged areas and try to estimate the size and extent of the damage.

Take note of exposed materials for instance shingles or wood, be sure to have a comprehensive description of all the areas that have suffered damage on your roof.

Temporarily fix what is possible

Immediately after the damage to your roof, try to remove things that are directly under the area of damage.

Removing the valuables directly below will help protect them from leaks in the event of a downpour.

This is particularly important if your roof has been damaged by a storm. Once you clear the living space down below, go ahead and place buckets and other containers that you will use to collect the water to prevent further flooding.

Significant damage may require immediate waterproofing through strapped tarping while small leaks can be easily shingled back.

Get in touch with the insurance company

Reach out to your insurance company and have them evaluate the extent of damage to your roof.

If it is large enough, then make necessary renovations through the insurance, however, if it is relatively small, it will be economical if you contact a trusted contractor for the task.

If there has been extensive damage to several homes due to bad weather, contractors might be extremely busy and therefore your own insurance could be a good option.

Contact a roofing contractor

If it is necessary to get a private company for the job, then look for one with a reliable track record.

Expect traveling contractors after a heavy storm offering to fix your roof at great discounts. Avoid these types of contractors because they have nothing to show for their work and could have poor quality work.

You don’t have to look too far for a reputable roofing company, you are fortunate enough to have Recon roofing company as the best in the business in Palm Beach County and its environs.

Whenever your roof sufferers from damage whether by storms, wind, wear and tear, hail, or even lightning, we will provide a free estimate to repair or install a new one.

We strive to minimize your financial implications while providing the best possible service to bring a roof over your family’s head as soon as possible.

Reach out for any queries or more information at (561) 556-8232!
